A unique, inspiring and empowering training that will fill you with energy and self-confidence. It generates a more playful attitude towards life, the capability to welcome buzzing days and thoughts and to embrace both, the beautiful and the shadow side of reality.


We come to our senses and explore non-sense. We practice playfulness and celebrate the instinctive language of body and mind.

"We have been hypnotized by social convention into feeling and sensing that we exist only inside our skins. That we are not the original bang, just something out on the end of it. And therefore we are scared stiff."            Alan Watts

Trainings & Workshops

Out-of-your-mindfulness is an approach that shares a lot of important features with and is built on equal foundational aspects as the thought-through, evidence-based and established method Mindfulness. Yet it evokes and requires a completely different attitude.


Similar to mindfulness the goals are to establish a non-judgmental and open attitude, to be able to escape from the bustle in the head, break patterns and reduce stress. It addresses topics such as dealing with obstacles, living in the here and now, letting go, trust and confidence and deals with thoughts and ways to communicate. Where mindfulness accounts for patience, thoughtfulness, caution, modesty, stillness and peacefulness, however, OUT-of-your-MINDFULNESS is playful, confronting, takes you outside your comfort zone, awakens your creativity, fantasies and childhood memories, prevents seriousness and invites ridiculousness. 

Out-of-your-mindfulness explores playfulness on many different levels and seeks to bring the focus out of the mind and into the body. Not by emptying the mind, but by filling the body with impulses, tasks and inspiration. It focuses on the body here and now, which is shaped by the memories stored inside our physical body as well as by our desires, dreams, fears and fantasies of the future. Through playful exercises, assessments and games we REmind – or rather RE-embody – the body to react spontaneously, instinctively, impulsively, honest and transparent. By acting and reacting to the immediate presence, unconscious patterns and habits are brought into the light, experienced and explored.


We turn the world upside down and awaken the brash and curious child inside us. We will celebrate instinctive impulses, by cultivating the awareness of their existence and how we tend to suppress them due to social rules, norms and concepts. These practices of out-of-your-mindfulness are deeply inspiring and empowering and will fill you with energy and self-confidence. 

About us

Mariëlle kleyn Winkel shares her love for movement in her work as educator, performer and bodyworker. Her mission is to connect others with their potential. To read more about Mariëlle and her work visit her website Movement Matters.

Ulrike Scholtes is mover, researcher, educator and coach. It has become her life work to bring movement and body awareness to people from all backgrounds. To read more about Ulrike and her work visit her website ulrikescholtes.de.

Trainings and workshops address four main topics:

Out of your mind, into the body

Through exercises that are physically demanding and/or mentally confusing we quiet the mind with its trains of thoughts, its opinions, judgments and restrictions, and evoke the intuitive language of the body. This part of the training consists of fun meditations, physical training, exercises in pairs and an exploration of our senses.


Exploring non-sense

We explore non-sense by means of different assessments and exercises that invite us to see reality differently than we are used to in our daily life. By taking things out of its context, practicing daily routines in a complete different way and performing activities and using images that might seem contradictive and impossible at first, we mess up our minds and conventional conception of reality.


Outside the skin

We might not always be aware of how our environment influences our body and vice versa. The exercises in this part of the training improve our consciousness of our environment (space, objects and other individuals), we practice movement as a group and experience how our body influences and is influenced by space and others. We deal with the concepts incorporation and excorporation and use practices and techniques from cultures that are much more conscious with the relationship between the body and their environment on a daily basis than we are in our culture.


Being one Being

Not every part of us is beautiful and shiny. Let's not pretend we are perfect, but let us deal with our shadow side, the parts of us that we rather not present to the outside world, the dust under our carpet. We also deal with subjects that are not much emphasized in our culture such as death, disease and insanity. Just as in the other parts of the training we are not trying to be too serious and “mindful” (as in having a “full” mind), but we play, have fun and explore things that are not part of our daily way of thinking and acting.


Reviews of practitioners

"Ulrike and Mariëlle are amazing coaches - they make you feel safe, at home, seen and they also make you laugh. Thank you so much for the workshop last Saturday!" -  Anna


"I had a wonderful time exploring myself in this workshop. I felt parts of my body I never have felt before. I was there after an injury, and it really helped me a lot. I felt so comfortable there, the people around were really nice, the atmosphere was exactly what I needed. I would love to participate again. Thank you very much for a great experience!!!" - Coby


"In this training we explore and experience our body and mind and focus on things that are really important in our daily life. It combines bodywork, yoga, theatre, dance, meditation and fun. The only thing this training needs is to be spread out through the whole world. This kind of training should be available to everyone!" - Magdalena 


"After each training, I step on my bike with a free and happy feeling. What I learned from this training was that I should focus more on my body in some daily life situations. Just by focusing on my body and breathing. And to also notice the urge roll over my bedroom floor or make somersaults, just because it’s fun!" - Laura


"In a playful manner and through fun physical exercises and very interesting conversations, this training really makes you conscious of your body. It reminded me to sometimes just let go of my thoughts and to not be so serious, to just be a bit crazy and go out of my comfort zone. The trainings is relaxing, sometimes exhausting, fun and “gezellig”." - Sarit